Tuesday, September 21, 2010

please just get here already

It's true that I get cold way too easily. I love Summer and everything it brings with it. But Autumn is by far my favorite season. There is nothing bad about Fall (except that it leads to Winter, which is the bane of my existence). Here in Tennessee, Fall is beautiful once it finally gets here, but that usually takes forever and it doesn't stick around long. This year seems to be no exception. It's the end of September and it's still in the nineties. I cannot even begin to express how ready I am to pick and carve pumpkins, curl up by the fire, drink hot chocolate, eat vegetarian chili, go camping, layer my clothes, look at the bright blue Autumn sky, and feel it's crisp, cool air. I want to just go to the mountains and soak in the beauty of Fall. It makes me feel romantic and nostalgic and warm and fuzzy and just so good. I love love love Fall.

Please just get here already.

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