Tuesday, July 28, 2009

am i part of the cure, or am i part of the disease?

This past weekend I had the pleasure of seeing my favorite
band in concert, and it got me thinking. I've been listening to Coldplay since I was
in eighth grade. Just the fact that I associate them with that
year makes them very special to me. I found my true friends
that year, I discovered and embraced my true self. But Coldplay
doesn't just bring back good memories for me. Somehow,
Coldplay has found their way into my heart, and not just
because I like them musically, but also lyrically. You know when
an artist voices something you've been feeling for ages, but
could never quite articulate. And then they do it for you and
you feel so much better. Coldplay was the first band to do this
for me, and there have been many since.

Some songs can break your heart, others cheer you up, and
others can really get you thinking. I cannot tell you how
badly I wish I could write something that would help
even just one person explain something they couldn't
find the words to express on their own.

In the meantime, I'll be listening to Coldplay.

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